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Spring Roses and Carnations

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Standard ($109)

Extra ($139)

Premium ($159)

$109 (USD109)

The Standard Bouquet is approximately 15H x 10W

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This vibrant bouquet features 12 pink or yellow carnations, 8 yellow or pink roses, and 3 sprigs of ruscus, all elegantly arranged in a stylish vase. The blend of energetic tones and bright colors creates a stunning display that will illuminate any room upon delivery. Perfect for adding a touch of joy and sophistication to any occasion, this bouquet is designed to make a memorable impression and brighten the day of its recipient.

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What are our customers saying

(Monday, July 1, 2013)

incredible delightful stunning vibrant gorgeous high-quality unique fresh exquisite fragrant lovely perfect elegant wonderful colorful fabulous breathtaking

by Carlos Diaz
(Wednesday, January 25, 2017)

amazing fragrant beautiful excellent incredible gorgeous elegant fabulous breathtaking high-quality lovely colorful delightful stunning vibrant exquisite unique wonderful

by Takashi Yamamoto
(Thursday, August 16, 2018)

unique fresh colorful elegant excellent amazing exquisite incredible breathtaking fabulous stunning lovely

by Priya Sharma
(Friday, November 22, 2024)

The bouquet was gorgeous and arrived on time. Absolutely loved the arrangement!

by Scott Wells
(Wednesday, December 16, 2015)

gorgeous elegant wonderful perfect unique lovely exquisite amazing excellent fragrant high-quality

by Fatima Noor