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Decent Bouquet

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Standard ($57)

Extra ($72)

Premium ($87)

$57 (USD57)

The Standard Bouquet is approximately 15H x 10W

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This charming arrangement features 2 elegant lilies, 2 vibrant carnations, 4 cheerful gerberas, and fresh, lush foliage. The lilies and carnations add a touch of sophistication, while the gerberas bring a playful burst of color. Combined with the greenery, this bouquet creates a balanced and delightful display, perfect for any occasion that calls for a mix of elegance and joy.

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What are our customers saying

(Monday, December 23, 2019)

The flowers were fresh and delivered on time.

by Ethan Page
(Thursday, August 24, 2023)

The Fresh beautiful were amazing.

by Oscar Snyder
(Monday, April 18, 2022)

Fresh bouquet with carefully arranged.

by John Price
(Thursday, December 25, 2014)

The flowers arrived fresh and in perfect condition.

by Scott Vargas
(Saturday, January 6, 2024)

Such a Beautiful experience with the arrangement.

by Brenda Harris